Unraveling the Mystery: How to Identify the Branch and Commit of a Package in Pharo
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Unraveling the Mystery: How to Identify the Branch and Commit of a Package in Pharo

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As a Pharo developer, have you ever wondered which branch and commit of the source repository a package is based on? Perhaps you’ve spent hours debugging an issue, only to realize that the package is outdated or has been modified to fit a specific need. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of package management in Pharo and provide a step-by-step guide on how to identify the branch and commit of a package.

Why is it Important to Know the Branch and Commit of a Package?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s discuss why knowing the branch and commit of a package is crucial. Here are a few reasons:

  • Debugging and Troubleshooting**: When issues arise, knowing the exact branch and commit of a package helps you identify whether the problem lies with the package itself or your implementation.
  • Version Control and Updates**: By knowing the branch and commit, you can determine whether a package is outdated or if there are newer versions available.
  • Collaboration and Contribution**: When working with others or contributing to open-source projects, knowing the branch and commit of a package ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Methods for Identifying the Branch and Commit of a Package

Now that we’ve established the importance of knowing the branch and commit of a package, let’s explore the methods for doing so.

Method 1: Using the Pharo Package Manager ( Metacello )

Metacello is Pharo’s package manager, and it provides an easy way to inspect package dependencies and versions. Here’s how to use Metacello to identify the branch and commit of a package:

    Metacello new
      baseline: 'BaselineOfYourPackage';
      repository: 'github://your-username/your-repo:your-branch/repository';
      load: 'YourPackage'

In the code above, replace `’BaselineOfYourPackage’` with the name of your package’s baseline, `’github://your-username/your-repo:your-branch/repository’` with the URL of your repository, and `’YourPackage’` with the name of the package you want to inspect.

Once you’ve executed the code, Metacello will load the package and display the branch and commit information in the Pharo Transcript.

Method 2: Inspecting the Package’s Metadata

Another way to identify the branch and commit of a package is by inspecting its metadata. In Pharo, package metadata is stored in the `package.properties` file. Here’s how to access it:

    (RPackage organizer packageNamed: 'YourPackage') properties

Replace `’YourPackage’` with the name of the package you want to inspect. The `properties` method will return a dictionary containing the package’s metadata, including the branch and commit information.

Method 3: Using the Pharo Git Bridge

The Pharo Git Bridge is a tool that allows you to interact with Git repositories directly from Pharo. Here’s how to use it to identify the branch and commit of a package:

    GitBridge new
      repository: 'github://your-username/your-repo.git';
      branch: 'your-branch';
      commit: 'your-commit'

Replace `’github://your-username/your-repo.git’` with the URL of your repository, `’your-branch’` with the branch you want to inspect, and `’your-commit’` with the commit hash or tag you’re interested in.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While the methods above are straightforward, you might encounter some challenges along the way. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Challenge 1: Package Not Found

If you receive a “package not found” error, ensure that the package is correctly installed and loaded in your Pharo image. Try reloading the package using Metacello or by using the Pharo Package Manager.

Challenge 2: Incorrect Branch or Commit

If the branch or commit information is incorrect, verify that you’ve specified the correct repository URL, branch, and commit hash. Double-check that you’re using the correct package name and baseline.

Challenge 3: Missing Metadata

If the package’s metadata is missing or incomplete, try updating the package to the latest version or contacting the package maintainer for assistance.

Error Message Solution
Package not found Reload the package using Metacello or the Pharo Package Manager
Incorrect branch or commit Verify the repository URL, branch, and commit hash
Missing metadata Update the package to the latest version or contact the package maintainer


Identifying the branch and commit of a package in Pharo is a crucial step in ensuring that your projects are stable, up-to-date, and collaborative. By using Metacello, inspecting package metadata, or leveraging the Pharo Git Bridge, you can easily determine the branch and commit of a package. Remember to overcome common challenges by verifying package installations, repository URLs, and metadata.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of identifying package branches and commits, take your Pharo development skills to the next level by exploring more advanced topics, such as package management best practices, dependency resolution, and conflict resolution.

Happy coding, and may your packages always be up-to-date and conflict-free!

Frequently Asked Question

Mastering Pharo package management can be a challenge, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How can I identify the source repository of a package in Pharo?

You can use the `ConfigurationOf` class to find the source repository of a package in Pharo. For example, if you want to know the source repository of the `Seaside` package, you can evaluate `(ConfigurationOfSeaside project version: ‘3.3.1’) repository` in a Pharo playground. This will give you the URL of the source repository.

Is it possible to determine the commit of the source repository that a package in Pharo is based on?

Yes, you can! The `version` method of the `ConfigurationOf` class returns an instance of `MetacelloVersion`, which has a `commitHash` method that gives you the commit hash of the source repository that the package is based on. For example, `(ConfigurationOfSeaside project version: ‘3.3.1’) commitHash` will give you the commit hash of the `Seaside` package.

How can I get the branch of the source repository that a package in Pharo is based on?

You can use the `version` method of the `ConfigurationOf` class to get the branch of the source repository. For example, `(ConfigurationOfSeaside project version: ‘3.3.1’) spec repositorybranches` will give you the branch of the `Seaside` package. Note that the branch is part of the `MetacelloRepository` instance.

Can I use Metacello to fetch the source repository of a package in Pharo?

Yes, you can! Metacello provides a way to fetch the source repository of a package in Pharo. You can use the `gofer` method to fetch the package. For example, `Gofer new url: ‘http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Seaside3/main’; package: ‘Seaside3’; quit` will fetch the `Seaside3` package from the specified URL.

Is there a GUI tool in Pharo that allows me to explore the source repository of a package?

Yes, there is! Pharo provides a GUI tool called the `Package Browser` that allows you to explore the source repository of a package. You can open the Package Browser by evaluating `PackageBrowser open` in a Pharo playground. From there, you can select a package and click on the `Repository` button to explore its source repository.

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