Next.js 14 – require crypto error with mysql2 in turbo mode: The Ultimate Fix
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Next.js 14 – require crypto error with mysql2 in turbo mode: The Ultimate Fix

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Are you tired of encountering the pesky “require crypto error” when trying to connect to your MySQL database using mysql2 in Next.js 14, especially in Turbo mode? Well, you’re not alone! This article is here to provide a comprehensive guide on how to resolve this issue once and for all.

What is the require crypto error?

The “require crypto error” typically occurs when Next.js 14 tries to import the crypto module in Turbo mode, which is enabled by default in new Next.js projects. This error is caused by the incompatibility of the crypto module with the Turbo mode.

Why does this error occur in Next.js 14?

Next.js 14 introduced a new feature called Turbo mode, which provides improved performance and security for server-rendered pages. However, this feature relies on the getServerSideProps method, which executes on the server-side. The crypto module, on the other hand, is a browser-side module that’s not available on the server-side. When Next.js tries to import the crypto module in Turbo mode, it throws the “require crypto error”.

How to fix the require crypto error with mysql2 in Turbo mode?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the step-by-step instructions to resolve this issue:

  1. Disable Turbo mode:

    To disable Turbo mode, add the following configuration to your next.config.js file:

          module.exports = {
            // Disable Turbo mode
            experimental: {
              turbo: false,
  2. Use the mysql2/promise module:

    Instead of importing the mysql2 module directly, use the mysql2/promise module, which provides a promise-based API:

          const mysql = require('mysql2/promise');
  3. Use a custom getServerSideProps function:

    Create a custom getServerSideProps function that imports the mysql2/promise module and establishes a connection to your MySQL database:

          import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
          import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
          export const getServerSideProps = async ({ req, res }) => {
            const connection = await mysql.createConnection({
              host: 'your_host',
              user: 'your_user',
              password: 'your_password',
              database: 'your_database',
            try {
              const [rows] = await connection.execute('SELECT * FROM your_table');
              return {
                props: {
                  data: rows,
            } catch (error) {
              return {
                props: {
                  error: 'Error fetching data',
            } finally {
              await connection.end();
  4. Use a middleware to handle database connections:

    Create a middleware function that establishes a connection to your MySQL database and passes it to the getServerSideProps function:

          import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
          import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
          const dbMiddleware = async (req, res, next) => {
            const connection = await mysql.createConnection({
              host: 'your_host',
              user: 'your_user',
              password: 'your_password',
              database: 'your_database',
            req.db = connection;
            await connection.end();
          export default dbMiddleware;

    Then, add the middleware to your next.config.js file:

          module.exports = {
            // Add the middleware to the middleware array
            middleware: [dbMiddleware],

Additional Tips and Tricks

To avoid any potential issues, make sure to:

  • Use the correct MySQL version compatible with Next.js 14.

  • Update your mysql2 package to the latest version.

  • Avoid using the require function to import the crypto module.

  • Use a secure connection to your MySQL database using SSL/TLS encryption.


In conclusion, the “require crypto error” in Next.js 14 with mysql2 in Turbo mode can be resolved by disabling Turbo mode, using the mysql2/promise module, creating a custom getServerSideProps function, and using a middleware to handle database connections. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to connect to your MySQL database seamlessly and take advantage of Next.js 14’s Turbo mode features.

Remember to stay tuned for more tutorials and guides on Next.js 14 and its ecosystem. Happy coding!

Keyword Description
Next.js 14 The latest version of the popular React-based framework for building server-rendered and statically generated websites and applications.
Turbo mode A new feature in Next.js 14 that provides improved performance and security for server-rendered pages.
mysql2 A popular MySQL driver for Node.js that provides a promise-based API for interacting with MySQL databases.
require crypto error An error that occurs when Next.js 14 tries to import the crypto module in Turbo mode, which is not available on the server-side.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about “Next.js 14 – require crypto error with mysql2 in turbo mode”.

What is the issue with Next.js 14 and mysql2 in turbo mode?

The issue is that Next.js 14 in turbo mode does not support the `require(‘crypto’)` method, which is required by mysql2 to establish a secure connection to the database. This results in a “require crypto error”.

Why does mysql2 require the `require(‘crypto’)` method?

mysql2 requires the `require(‘crypto’)` method to establish a secure connection to the database using SSL/TLS. The `crypto` module is used to generate the necessary cryptographic keys and certificates for the secure connection.

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Yes, one workaround is to disable turbo mode in Next.js 14 by setting the `turbo` option to `false` in the `next.config.js` file. This will allow the `require(‘crypto’)` method to work as expected.

Are there any other solutions being explored?

Yes, the Next.js team is exploring alternative solutions to this issue, such as using a different cryptographic library that does not rely on the `require(‘crypto’)` method. Additionally, some community members are working on custom solutions that can be used as a temporary fix.

When can we expect a permanent fix for this issue?

The Next.js team is working on a permanent fix for this issue, but a specific timeline has not been announced yet. It’s recommended to keep an eye on the official Next.js documentation and GitHub issues for updates on this topic.

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