How to Return an Address of a const Struct Member in Compliance with MISRA from a C Function?
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How to Return an Address of a const Struct Member in Compliance with MISRA from a C Function?

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Welcome to this tutorial, where we’ll delve into the world of C programming and explore the best practices for returning an address of a const struct member while adhering to the MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association) guidelines. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this common problem in C programming.

What is MISRA and Why is it Important?

MISRA is a set of guidelines for developing safety-critical systems, particularly in the automotive industry. The primary goal of MISRA is to ensure that software is reliable, safe, and meets the required standards. Compliance with MISRA is essential for automotive software developers, as it helps mitigate risks and ensures that software functions correctly in critical situations.

What is a const Struct Member?

In C programming, a struct is a collection of variables of different data types that are stored together in memory. A const struct member is a member of a struct that is declared with the const keyword, which means its value cannot be changed once it’s initialized.

typedef struct {
    int id;
    const char* name;
} Employee;

In this example, the name member of the Employee struct is declared as a const char pointer, which means its value cannot be modified once it’s assigned.

The Problem: Returning an Address of a const Struct Member

Now, let’s say you want to write a function that returns the address of a const struct member. This is where things get tricky, as the const keyword implies that the value cannot be changed, but returning an address of a const member allows the caller to modify the original value.

const char* getEmployeeName(const Employee* emp) {
    return emp->name;

This function seems harmless, but it violates the const correctness principle, as it returns a non-const pointer to a const member. This is a common mistake that can lead to unexpected behavior and even crashes.

The Solution: using a const-correct Approach

To return an address of a const struct member in compliance with MISRA, you need to ensure that the returned pointer is also const-correct. One way to achieve this is by using a const pointer to a const member.

const char* const getEmployeeName(const Employee* const emp) {
    return emp->name;

In this revised function, we’ve added the const keyword to the return type and the function parameter. This ensures that the returned pointer is const-correct and cannot be used to modify the original value.

What Does the const Keyword Mean in this Context?

When used with a pointer, the const keyword has two distinct meanings:

  • const T* p: The pointer p points to a constant value of type T. This means that the value pointed to by p cannot be modified through this pointer.
  • T* const p: The pointer p itself is constant, meaning that its value cannot be changed once it’s initialized.

In our revised function, we’ve used both meanings of the const keyword to ensure that the returned pointer is const-correct.

Other Considerations: Pointer Aliasing and Casting

When working with pointers to const members, it’s essential to understand pointer aliasing and casting rules to avoid common pitfalls.

Pointer Aliasing

Pointer aliasing occurs when multiple pointers point to the same memory location. In the context of const struct members, pointer aliasing can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled carefully.

const Employee emp = { .id = 1, .name = "John" };
 Employee*.aliasedEmp = &emp;  // aliasedEmp points to the same memory as &emp
 aliasedEmp->name = "Jane";  // modifying the original value through the aliased pointer

In this example, the aliased pointer aliasedEmp points to the same memory location as the original emp struct. Modifying the value through the aliased pointer can lead to unexpected behavior, as the original value is const.

Casting and const-correctness

Casting is another common pitfall when working with const struct members. Implicit casting can undermine the const correctness of your code, leading to unexpected behavior or crashes.

const Employee emp = { .id = 1, .name = "John" };
char* nonConstName = (char*);  // casting away const correctness
 nonConstName[0] = 'X';  // modifying the original value through the non-const pointer

In this example, the implicit casting of the const pointer to a non-const pointer nonConstName undermines the const correctness of the original code.

Best Practices for Returning an Address of a const Struct Member

To ensure compliance with MISRA guidelines, follow these best practices when returning an address of a const struct member:

  1. Use a const-correct approach by returning a const pointer to a const member.
  2. Avoid pointer aliasing by using unique pointers for each memory location.
  3. Avoid implicit casting that undermines const correctness.
  4. Use explicit casting only when necessary, and ensure that the cast is safe and justified.
  5. Document your code thoroughly to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that the intent is clear.


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of MISRA guidelines in C programming and how to return an address of a const struct member while adhering to these guidelines. By following the best practices outlined above, you can ensure that your code is reliable, safe, and compliant with industry standards.

Function const correctness MISRA compliance
const char* getEmployeeName(const Employee* emp) { return emp->name; } Violates const correctness principle Non-compliant
const char* const getEmployeeName(const Employee* const emp) { return emp->name; } Const-correct and compliant Compliant

By applying these principles and best practices, you’ll be able to write robust and reliable C code that meets the demanding requirements of the automotive industry.

Remember, compliance with MISRA guidelines is not just a matter of following rules; it’s about writing code that is safe, reliable, and efficient. By adopting these best practices, you’ll be contributing to the development of high-quality software that meets the needs of the industry.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of MISRA compliance and learn how to return the address of a const struct member from a C function!

Why can’t I simply return the address of a const struct member using the & operator?

Ah-ah, my friend! The & operator is not the problem. The issue lies in the fact that the const struct member is, well, const! According to MISRA rules, you can’t return the address of a constant. Instead, you need to use a non-const pointer or a pointer to a non-const object. Easy peasy, right?

How do I return the address of a const struct member if I can’t use the & operator?

Clever question! You can use a pointer to a non-const object that points to the const struct member. For example, if you have a const struct member named ‘myConstMember’, you can create a pointer ‘ptr’ that points to it, like this: ‘void *ptr = (void *)&myConstMember;’. Then, you can return the pointer ‘ptr’. VoilĂ !

What if I need to return a pointer to a const struct member from a function, but the function itself is const?

Oh dear, that’s a bit of a pickle! In this case, you can’t return a non-const pointer from a const function. Instead, you need to return a const pointer to a const object. For example, if you have a const function that returns a pointer to a const struct member, you can use a const pointer like this: ‘const void *ptr = &myConstMember;’. Then, you can return the const pointer ‘ptr’. Phew!

Can I use a casting trick to return the address of a const struct member?

Casting, the old trickster! While it might be tempting to use a casting trick to return the address of a const struct member, it’s generally not recommended. MISRA guidelines advise against using casting to bypass const correctness, as it can lead to undefined behavior and make your code harder to maintain. Instead, stick to the recommended approaches mentioned earlier. Safety first, my friend!

What’s the best practice for returning the address of a const struct member in a MISRA-compliant way?

The golden rule! To return the address of a const struct member in a MISRA-compliant way, always use a non-const pointer to a non-const object, or a const pointer to a const object. Avoid casting, and make sure your function signature and pointer types match. By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your code is safe, readable, and MISRA-approved. Happy coding!

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